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Kali Linux Release v1.0.5 Update 예정

Open Source Tool/Kali Linux

by DarkSoul.Story 2013. 9. 4. 12:50



 Kali Linux  Change Log를 살펴 보니 1.0.5가 준비가 다된것 같다. 버그들도 수정되고 도구들도 업데이트 되고 새로운 도구들도 생기는듯^^ 1.0.5 릴리즈 2013년 9월 5일 배포 예정  

 Kali Linux - Change Log

Kali Linux - 1.0.5 (Not Yet Released) View Issues ] 
- 0000452: [Kali Package Bug] baksmail (muts) - resolved.
- 0000453: [Kali Package Bug] smali (muts) - resolved.
- 0000199: [Kali Package Bug] Volatility errors due to distorm3 not being installed when trying to run the apihooks plugin (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000086: [New Tool Requests] INetSim (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000562: [New Tool Requests] Add Kalibrate for RTLSDR (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000561: [New Tool Requests] Add gr-air-modes for SDR (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000557: [Kali Package Bug] golismero uses wrong path (muts) - resolved.
- 0000560: [New Tool Requests] Add RTLSDR Scanner (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000559: [New Tool Requests] Add pyrtlsdr (Dependency of RTLSDR-Scanner) (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000553: [New Tool Requests] Add the GNU Radio Signal Scanner (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000551: [New Tool Requests] Add Linux Exploit Suggester (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000456: [New Tool Requests] cudaHashcat (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000547: [Tool Upgrade] Upgrade oclHashcat-plus to 0.15 (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000467: [Kali Package Bug] fsck fail during first boot for / xfs partition (rhertzog) - resolved.
- 0000443: [General Bug] LVM Crypt can't be mounted during the 1st boot of the system (rhertzog) - resolved.
- 0000542: [New Tool Requests] Add libosmocore 0.6.3 (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000541: [Tool Upgrade] Change the RTLSDR driver to not attach (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000533: [Tool Upgrade] Upgrade Armitage to Version 08.21.13 (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000513: [New Tool Requests] Add the gqrx SDR GUI (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000532: [New Tool Requests] Add grextras for GNU Radio (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000531: [Tool Upgrade] Update sqlmap to a recent revision (muts) - resolved.
- 0000530: [New Tool Requests] Add gr-baz for GNU Radio (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000511: [New Tool Requests] Add gr-osmosdr for SDR (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000510: [New Tool Requests] Add gr-iqbal for SDR (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000493: [Tool Upgrade] Update gnuradio to (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000526: [New Tool Requests] Package mfterm - a terminal interface for working with Mifare Classic tags (muts) - resolved.
- 0000525: [Tool Upgrade] Update mfcuk to 0.3.8 (muts) - resolved.
- 0000524: [Tool Upgrade] Update mfoc to 0.10.6 (muts) - resolved.
- 0000523: [Tool Upgrade] Update libnfc to 1.7.0-rc7 (muts) - resolved.
- 0000518: [New Tool Requests] Add bluesnarfer (muts) - resolved.
- 0000514: [Tool Upgrade] Update SET with New Helper Script (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000407: [Tool Upgrade] 0trace doesn't work (muts) - resolved.
- 0000476: [Tool Upgrade] Upgrade Hydra to Version 7.5 (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000421: [New Tool Requests] Veil 2.0 – AV Evasion Framework (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000425: [Tool Upgrade] Upgrade websploit (muts) - resolved.
- 0000454: [Tool Upgrade] Truecrack 3.0 update (muts) - resolved.
- 0000457: [Tool Upgrade] update cryptsetup to version 1.6.1 (muts) - resolved.
- 0000428: [Tool Upgrade] Update Recon-ng (muts) - resolved.
- 0000336: [Tool Upgrade] Upgrade coWPAtty v3.6 (muts) - resolved.
- 0000284: [Tool Upgrade] guymager (muts) - resolved.
- 0000286: [Tool Upgrade] Libewf (muts) - resolved.
- 0000479: [New Tool Requests] Add the rubber-generate Ruby Gem (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000480: [New Tool Requests] Add dotdotpwn to kali (muts) - resolved.
- 0000335: [Kali Package Bug] missing icons from the menus (muts) - resolved.
- 0000487: [New Tool Requests] Add pyinstaller (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000488: [New Tool Requests] Add Windows Python 2.7.5 via Wine (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000490: [Tool Upgrade] Upgrade CeWL to Version 5 (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000482: [Tool Upgrade] Update the postinst of Veil (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000502: [New Tool Requests] Add phply - Required for w3af (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000503: [New Tool Requests] Add python-clamd - Required for w3af (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000495: [New Tool Requests] Add PyGithub - Required for w3af (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000478: [New Tool Requests] Add the gtk-webkit-ruby Ruby Gem (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000504: [New Tool Requests] Add the ponder Ruby Gem for TeamSploit (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000506: [Tool Upgrade] Fork UHD and Upgrade to 3.5.3 (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000507: [New Tool Requests] Add the UHD Images (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000508: [New Tool Requests] Add rtl-sdr 0.5.0 (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000509: [New Tool Requests] Add HackRF for SDR (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000512: [New Tool Requests] Add gr-fcdproplus for SDR (dookie) - resolved.
- 0000391: [New Tool Requests] adding openvas start-stop services under system services (muts) - closed.


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